Currently Browsing: #dssattorney

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorces

Placement of Children With Relatives

Federal court in Texas declares Indian Child Welfare Act unconstitutional

Divorce on the Decline

The Divorce Defense of Recrimination

Obtaining a Divorce in South Carolina

The Problems of Foster Care

As a long time advocate for children and as a former Attorney for the South Carolina Department of Social Services, it’s not an over exaggeration to say that no other recent court case has had as major an impact as the recent case of SCDSS v....

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Defenses to Divorce

One of the defenses to a divorce being sought on a fault-based ground is Condonation. Condonation is a legal term meaning “conditional forgiveness.” Condonation is a powerful defense to a fault divorce in South Carolina and can revive an alimony...

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