About Us

About Us


Bar Admissions

  • South Carolina, 2008
  • Federal District of South Carolina, 2012
  • United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, 2018

  • University of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, South Carolina
  • J.D - 2008
  • Moot Court Honor Board
  • Phi Alpha Delta Legal Society President
  • University of Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Certificate in Comparative European Law- 2007
  • University of South Carolina
  • B.A - History- 2005

Our Story

A native South Carolinian, from a young age, Tyler cultivated his passion for law in Columbia, South Carolina where he grew up. A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Tyler obtained his J.D. from University of South Carolina School of Law. It was during his studies at USC Law, that Tyler was admitted into the prestigious Juvenile Justice Clinic, under the late Professor Vance Cowden, in which law students are granted a limited license to practice law. It was during this time defending minors accused of criminal offenses in Family Court that Tyler developed a deep passion for family law and in particular as an advocate of children. During this time, Tyler was also a volunteer Guardian Ad Litem for Richland County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), where he served as a voice to abused and neglected children thrown into the DSS foster care system.

Tyler's desire to serve his community continued after graduation when he became an Assistant Solicitor for the Sixteenth Judicial circuit of South Carolina. As a Solicitor, Tyler was responsible for prosecuting criminal offenses ranging from minor crimes to violent felonies. After leaving the Solicitor's office Tyler entered private practice involving family law. Tyler then returned to his passion of child advocacy as an attorney for the Office of General Counsel for the South Carolina Department of Social Services in Richland County. While at DSS, Tyler prosecuted abuse and neglect cases.
From the start of his career Tyler has always been first and foremost a litigator (trial lawyer). Tyler has experience in almost every aspect of Family law involving: juvenile justice; DSS abuse and neglect; complex custody disputes; cases involving the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC); cases involving the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA); child support; visitation; paternity establishment; and divorce.

Tyler still continues his pursuit of community service and his love of children through his own two boys, Cooper and Wells. Tyler is a volunteer Cub Scout Den Leader for the Tiger Den for Pack 100 at St. Joseph's and is also the coach for his son's little league baseball team. Tyler and his son's attend Northeast Presbyterian Church where he is a long time member.